All three Idaho Falls Symphony Youth Orchestras rehearse on Thursday evenings.
Preparatory Strings Orchestra: 5:00-6:15 pm
Philharmonia: 7:00-8:30pm, and
Youth Symphony: 7:00-9:00pm
Rehearsals run September through April. Excellent attendance is expected.
All new and returning members must pay the annual tuition of $150, due upon acceptance before rehearsals begin in the fall. We do not offer prorated tuition for members joining mid-season. There is NO COST to audition for the Youth Symphony or Philharmonia.
There is no audition required to join the Preparatory Strings Orchestra.
Current members of the Youth Symphony and Philharmonia do not need to re-audition each season. However, move-up auditions into the Philharmonia and Youth Symphony are required.