Idaho Falls Symphony Youth Orchestras rehearse on Thursday evenings. Preparatory Strings Orchestra rehearsals are from 5:00-6:15 p.m., Philharmonia rehearsals are from 7:00-8:30 p.m., and Youth Symphony rehearsals are 7:00-9:00pm, from September through December and January through April. Excellent attendance is expected.
There is a $150.00 annual tuition fee for all new and returning members of the Idaho Falls Symphony Youth Orchestras. This fee will be due upon acceptance; there is NO COST to audition for the Youth Symphony or Philharmonia.
Current members of the Idaho Falls Symphony Youth Orchestras do not need to re-audition each season. However, move-up auditions into the Philharmonia and Youth Symphony can be scheduled with the Education Coordinator with the recommendation of the PSO conductor.