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Youth Orchestra Auditions

Musical Excellence

Congratulations on pursuing the Idaho Falls Symphony Youth Orchestra. The decision to audition brings you one step closer to the amazing opportunity we offer!

Ensemble Information:

All three Idaho Falls Symphony Youth Orchestras rehearse on Thursday evenings.

Preparatory Strings Orchestra: 5:00-6:15 pm

Philharmonia: 7:00-8:30pm, and

Youth Symphony: 7:00-9:00pm

Rehearsals run September through April. Excellent attendance is expected.

All new and returning members must pay the annual tuition of $150, due upon acceptance before rehearsals begin in the fall. We do not offer prorated tuition for members joining mid-season. There is NO COST to audition for the Youth Symphony or Philharmonia.

There is no audition required to join the Preparatory Strings Orchestra.

Current members of the Youth Symphony and Philharmonia do not need to re-audition each season. However, move-up auditions into the Philharmonia and Youth Symphony are required.

Auditions for the Youth Symphony and Philharmonia 2025-2026 Season will be held May 27-29, 2025 at Hillcrest High School.

  • Upper Strings:Tuesday, May 27
  • Low Strings:Wednesday, May 28
  • Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion: Thursday, May 29

Applications for Preparatory Strings Orchestra are now being accepted

For questions or information please reach out to Melanie Mallard, Education and Outreach Manager, at:


  • Students in grades 7-12 are eligible to audition and play in the Youth Symphony.

  • Students in grades 5-12 are eligible to audition and play in the Philharmonia.

  • Students in grades 5-12 are eligible to play in the Preparatory Strings Orchestra. No audition necessary.
  • All levels are encouraged to audition/apply.

  • Our programs are meant to complement and enhance the music education students are receiving in their schools. Students are expected to be regular members of their school orchestra, band, or choir class. 

Audition Requirements

  • Be prepared to play the following scales (2 octaves required; 3 octaves expected for those auditioning for the Youth Symphony):

    • VIOLINS:

      • G Major scale legato, choose to slur 4, 6 or 8 notes per bow (3 octave scale for Youth Symphony auditions; 2 octave for Philharmonia auditions)

      • A MELODIC minor spiccato 4 16ths per pitch (3 octave scale for Youth Symphony auditions; 2 octave for Philharmonia auditions)


      • C Major scale legato, choose to slur 4, 6 or 8 notes per bow (3 octave scale for Youth Symphony auditions; 2 octave for Philharmonia auditions)

      • D MELODIC minor spiccato 4 16ths per pitch (3 octave scale for Youth Symphony auditions; 2 octave for Philharmonia auditions)

    • BASS

      • G Major and D Major scale, choose to slur 4, 6 or 8 notes per bow (2 octave scale for both Youth Symphony and Philharmonia auditions)

    One scale should be slurred, 2, 4, 6, or 8 notes per bow. The other should be played spiccato, 4 bow repetitions per pitch (16th notes) at your own comfortable speed. Scales must be played from memory.

  • An excerpt from two contrasting movements (one fast, one slow, etc.) from a piece that best shows your ability.

  • NEW: Short Sight Reading example for your Instrument. NOTE: Orchestra excerpts will be saved for seating auditions during the semester.

  • Be prepared to play the following scales:

    • F major scale (at least two octaves preferred)

    • D major scale (at least two octaves preferred)

  • Be prepared to play a chromatic scale (brass - one octave, woodwinds - two or three). You may choose your starting pitch. This must be played from memory.

  • An excerpt from two contrasting movements (one fast, one slow, etc.) from a piece that best shows your ability.

  • NEW: Short Sight Reading example for your Instrument. NOTE: Orchestra excerpts will be saved for seating auditions during the semester.

PERCUSSION, HARP, PIANO: Please be in touch for auxiliary instrument auditions! We want you too!